Monday, November 18, 2013

Rare Old Hood

Today's rare is...
Yep. It would be good for movies, but na, I'm using regular.
So...Want free cookies?

Thursday, November 7, 2013

New Stuff

Hi Jammers!
I found out what the new animal is going to be.
Aj is making Meet Cosmo for all Jammers. :D Congrats nonmembers!
Ze mushroom hut is back, and now The Great Escape can be played in hard mode!
Not the most exciting news.
But this is exciting!
I'm wondering what it means, judging the background, I'm thinking there's going to be an aj app sorta like Sky High, but you need to move the IPhone/IPad/IPod to move the animal. Who knows?
So ya.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Anti Scammer Group

Sorry for not posting lately. Anyways, I'm having this new group. It's called the Anti Scammer Group. We stop scammers. Send me a jamagram if you want to join. My usenrname is PuppyLover670. I hope you will join, if you're not a scammer that is. I'll be editing the "Scams to keep your Eyes Peeled on" page.