Thursday, August 15, 2013

Sad News and New Adventure Beta Look

Random People,
Jk, I'm not even old enough. Btw, I have good news and bad news. The bad news is....

Why...? 3: And last time it went in like september..
Anyways, new adventure beta look.
It's awesome....You gotta admit it's coolio. It reminds me of a way..
Also I saw this.
(Those horns are mine. XD) KOALA ADVENTURE LIKE A BOSS!!!!!! Think about it...I now know what they meant by new adventure, they meant new koala adventure in adventure beta (WOAH ALOT OF ADVENTURES IN THAT SENTENCE). It's either they didn't add that or I was too lazy to read it all. XD
New items:
I love this item, I love all the flowers. What do you think, Jammers?
Now, for a special thanks to BubbleKittens689, known as Dark.

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