Tuesday, August 27, 2013

New Video, Teacher's Desk

Hey people of the world!
There is a new question from Brady Bar. 
Also theres the all new teacher's desk.
Also, there is a new sign for appondale.
 (sorry for the wolf.)
It's very cool. What do you think Jammers?
Until then, JAM ON!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Rare Nerd Glasses

Hey Pizzazz Peeps!
Are you a nerd? Then here are the rare nerd glasses (no nerd glasses, just a rare one)

This is one of the cutest items in my opinion. But I'm working on how to save a life ajmv. 
Jam on!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

New Adventure, new music video, and new items.

Hey Jammers!
Today there's a new adventure it's Cosmo's!
Here are some new items.
It'll be useful for a video I'm going to make.
They are back!
I made a new music video too! Check it out.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Music Video and Stone Carved Stove

Hey Jammers!
I will be calling u both Pizzazz People and Jammers, anyways here is the new item.
The name is funny, because Stone can spell stove if you replace the n with v. Doesn't Stone and Stove rhyme.
I'm finally finished with a music video! Find it on my youtube account, drigoglioso.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

New Items and Another Animal War!

Hey Pizzazz People! ^^
Today there are a lot of new items. Sorry for not posting in a while. I was busy and I missed the rare item monday but got it for trade.
Lion hat's are back with a different color...I think.
 Also Lanterns and Emu Eggs (my favorite).

Something cute and chubby and one of the newest animals came in with his/her brother/sister.
The chubby giant kangaroo!
Oh, this is awesome pizzazz on your pizzazz plate.
Oh things will get ugly! Watch it today! I might even put it here.
Jam on Jammers!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Sad News and New Adventure Beta Look

Random People,
Jk, I'm not even old enough. Btw, I have good news and bad news. The bad news is....

Why...? 3: And last time it went in like september..
Anyways, new adventure beta look.
It's awesome....You gotta admit it's coolio. It reminds me of Skylanders..in a way..
Also I saw this.
(Those horns are mine. XD) KOALA ADVENTURE LIKE A BOSS!!!!!! Think about it...I now know what they meant by new adventure, they meant new koala adventure in adventure beta (WOAH ALOT OF ADVENTURES IN THAT SENTENCE). It's either they didn't add that or I was too lazy to read it all. XD
New items:
I love this item, I love all the flowers. What do you think, Jammers?
Now, for a special thanks to BubbleKittens689, known as Dark.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

New Video and Golden Wattle

There is a new video in Sarepia Theater, called Tuft Guy.
Haha, part of the movie.
Also, there a new item in Outback Imports: The Golden Wattle.
I love this item! It's so pretty. What do you think Jammers, but for now, JAM ON!! :D

Monday, August 12, 2013

Rare Cool Hair and Clearance items

Hey Jammers!
Today's new item is the rare cool hair!
I love the color. It's so pretty. So cool..Remember to get it when you get the chance. 

Also here are clearance items:
Mind the bamboo fence
I don't really like this item, so I'm gonna trade it when it's gone.
That's all right now! Bye and check out the new page!

Sunday, August 11, 2013


Guess what?
Police hats are back!!!!!!!!!
I love the colors of the police hats, but blue's the best, even for females. Their should be a police badge for land that comes with a suit. What do you think Jammers?
That's it for now!
Bye! 8D

Spider Plushie, Kimbra Outback Update, More! 8D

Hey Jammers!
I feel like an expert Blogger now but anyways, today's new item is a mini spider plush!
I have an opinion on it: It looks cute, but a little weird looking. What do you think, Jammers?

Also, Kimbra Outback now has a shop! I forgot the name though. XD Anyways you can buy stone chairs, stone couches (I bet it wont be as conferrable as the other couches), stone tables, and more!

Now onto my favorite part, the spike collars and the spike wristbands have come back!

But if you have them from 2011, don't worry a mouse tail! They come in different colors. But once I get a kangaroo, I'll buy a spike color in the color grey.

In the news, it says that there will be a new adventure. I have no idea what it means, but we should find out later. What do you think it is, Jammers?

Last off, I will remove the link to, "Scams to Keep your eyes peeled on" page, because I already figured out how to get it on top on the blog.

So Long Jammers!
Jam on!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Hello Animal Jam Lovers! 8D

Um..Hi guys! Do you know/ PuppyLover670 on Aj? Well, I'm her! Before we talk about Animal Jam I want you to know 2 things.

First of all, I am new to this, so please don't be mean about my blog. I will update it though.

Second of all, you may want to know a few facts about me.

1. I'm funny, I love jokes and riddles.
2. I'm adventurous and curious. I touch almost anything I see. XD
3. I love bubbles! X3
4. I like text talk (that is good).
5. I'm a girl
6. I loved Warrior Cats since 2012. It's so epic!
7. My cousin (who doesn't really play animal jam) told me about Aj.
8. I choose my words wisely.
9. I love making and watching videos. My youtube name is drigoglioso.
10. I have two dogs and two cats. I have a chorkie (chihuahua and yorkie mix) named Curt and a dachshund named Max. I have two cats that lives upstairs with my aunt and grandma. One is a black and white cat named Necka, and another is a Himalayan named Carly.
11. I love Tv. My favorite shows are Teen Titans Go, The Amazing World of Gumball, Clarence, Regular Show, and Steven Universe.

This is probably long. I'm PuppyLover670 on AJ. Jam on! :D