Saturday, September 26, 2015


Dear Diary,

Today was a very exciting day for me. I usually don't trade often due to the fact that Animal Jam's about fun, not the rare items people treat like God, but I had nothing better to do and I felt in the mood to earn some items, so I decided to try to earn my dream item: a rare black long collar.

The main reason I ran on Animal Jam was because I got on 3rd or 2nd place in an Animal Jam Contest and I won a scary top hat. I've tried looking for people to trade top hats with (I want to be a top hat collector. I want to collect a lot of things tbh). Unfortunately, I saw no one. Instead, I found someone with a rare viking helmet. I traded her the top hat and a few other items, and she accepted!

I went to Aldan so I can get quick trades. I found a lot of people with spikes, but none accepted. Except for one person!

She had a pink long collar. I traded her. She told me to change the entire trade except for the long purple wristband. This gave me a bit of hope. After another trading attempt, she decided that she wanted the helmet. However, I had to add.

I traded my rare spiked wristband and viking helmet and a lot of other stuff and guess what?


I was so happy! It wasn't a black long, but I could use it to get one!

I traded the collar around. I used it to get a yellow spike and then I got an orange one. I'm stuck with the orange one.

So, if you guys have any long collars that's a different color and one that isn't pink or yellow, please tell me if you're willing to trade! I'll accept black ones in a heartbeat!


Hula Skirt!

Hey Jammers!

PuppyLover670 here!

Today, Animal Jam released a hula skirt!

I'm not too crazy about this item, but it's still decent!

Also, the vine bracelets are on clearance! Be sure to get them while they last!

I have no idea why, but I'm obsessed with this item.

Person: Then Puppy, why don't you buy one?
Person: You're...welcome?

*coughcough* Anyways..

So that's it for today's post!

The diary entry will be up soon!

Bye guys!

PuppyLover670 is out!

Friday, September 25, 2015


Dear Diary,

Today was a normal and fun day on animal jam. I watched my friend Lakeahana's Plant Life AJMV.

I quickly logged out, hoping that she was still on. Sadly, she wasn't. I thought that now that I was online, I should do something. I've decided to work on the AJMV I've really wanted to do.

I didn't get far into it, so I've decided to bounce around Jamaa. Someone was hosting a Halloween Party. I've decided to come and dress up my lynx. While I was there, someone flirted with me in a Jam-a-gram, saying "Hi cute dude".

I had to crush her dreams by telling her that I was a girl. Part of me wanted to reply "Hi" just to see how far this would go.

There was a Humans vs. Monsters thing going on around the party. I forced myself to join in the action. I soon realized that I didn't fit in the game so I left. I wish I got to enjoy the game, even for a little while.

I've tried recording a video, but I got tired and stopped. I've decided to buy the entire glitchy den item set and the Jack O' Lawn Lanterns. Now my inventory's full...sweet.

Today has been a great Animal Jam day!


My Final Decision

Might not sound good but...

It's actually good news!

I'm actually continuing this!

I don't know why, but I felt this sudden surge of motivation to work on this blog!

I actually had an idea too!

Every time I go on Animal Jam, I will make a diary entry on what I did!

I did quite a lot today on Animal Jam, so I'll be sure to make a post on what I did!

Also, we have a few animal jam updates!

Some clothing! Out of all of these, the skull helmet is my favorite. I have no idea why, it just looks cool! What's your favorite out of these new halloween clothes?

We also have a few returning den items, along with one I've never seen before! Whats your opinion on the Jack O' LAWN Lanterns? I personally like them!

We also have the returning tall tiki table! It looks more like a pressure plate in my opinion, but I still like it! Also that face...

What was your favorite part of todays update?